06-01, 15:00–15:50 (Europe/Brussels), Kleine Spoel (0.31)
NLnet supports organisations and people who contribute to an open internet for all. We fund projects that help fix the internet through open hardware, open software, open standards, open science and open data. It is the lead of the Next Generation Zero, a coalition op non-profit organisations running multiple grant programs funded by the European Commission. The NGI Zero programs do not only offer grants but also support services like security and accessibility audits which help improve the quality and maturity of free and open source projects. We will give a short 15 minute presentation and leave lots of room for questions.
But most importantly, projects funded by NLnet may get their own hex sticker. So far more than 150
projects have been hexified (https://nlnet.nl/gallery/hex.html). We'll bring our stickers to T-DOSE in an attempt to reach Hexavaganza (an extravagant amount of hex stickers, at or near the point where it causes cognitive overload).
NLnet supports organisations and people who contribute to an open internet for all. We fund projects that help fix the internet through open hardware, open software, open standards, open science and open data. After its historical contribution to the early internet in Europe in the 1980's, NLnet has been financially supporting the open internet since 1997.