T-DOSE 2024

The art of the pull request
06-02, 16:00–16:50 (Europe/Brussels), Kleine Spoel (0.31)

Pull requests (PRs) are more than just a means to contribute code; they are the backbone of collaboration in the open source community. Being able to properly assess a code change is essential to maintain the quality of your project. Lots of people struggle in their code reviews, but fortunately, this process does not have to be painful.

At the end of this session you will know what questions to ask for a successful code review – and how to convey this information as effectively as possible in your PR. Along the way, you'll gain a deeper understanding of wat it takes to understand code.

See also: The art of the pull request (slides) (1.2 MB)

Karl is a software developer at Cito. His developer journey revolves around continuous, iterative improvement. He has a Master’s degree in Philosophy, so even though he is pretty knowledgeable on the subject of code and communication, he knows he knows nothing.